Chernobyl occupied by Russia – we now know why. And it is repulsive!

Chernobyl occupied by Russia – we now know why. And it is repulsive!


Robert Gorter, MD, PhD.

(with thanks to the Bataafsche Courant)

FEBRUARY 25th, 2022


The “Western press” is now mercilessly blabbing with their Ukraine reports, the threat of war, etc. Who are they defending; who do they want to mobilize? The demonization of Putin and the danger that the Russians also look beyond Ukraine is taking on neurotic forms. The population here is continuously treated to truckloads of fear porn. For the normally thinking Dutch, the tubs are not easy to drag. EVERYTHING is a lie, which is a logical consequence of complicity in a colossal abuse: the illegal occupation of Ukraine after the 2014 coup d’état.

What is really happening: why has the closed region around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ruins been so fiercely fought over?


Our initial version was that sabotage would be perpetrated by the Ukrainian military if they were to clear the field, resulting in radioactivity leaking into the Pripyat River. This flows through the capital Kyiv and the disaster would have been unimaginable. Of course, the Russians would be blamed for that. It was probably for this reason that Chernobyl was ” target number one ” for the Russians. Preventing the opponent from setting up a false flag and blaming the enemy for it.

What has come out now is of a completely different order.

First of all, the exclusion zone around Chernobyl has not been guarded and defended by the Ukrainian military, but by one of the infamous Nazi battalions that have been terrorizing the country since 2014. Putin calls the move a “de-Nazification operation” for a clear reason. These Nazi battalions are financed with Western resources, whether or not through Ukrainian oligarchs such as Kolomoisky.

And it was these Nazis who had to be eliminated quickly.

Tunnel complexes.

The Russian attackers then entered a basement and tunnel complex. What they found there is of unprecedented atrocity. Russian soldiers have said they hoped they would never have to show the films made there. We are talking about adrenochrome production, organ trafficking, child abuse, child trafficking, pedophilia, and inhuman, monstrous “medical experiments” on children.  And tools that are being used in Satanic rituals. It is a well-known story, of which only seldom reports are made public. Not yet. Tracing perpetrators and clients is now very close. What cold-blooded monsters are capable of such a thing? The Russians are sworn to chase perpetrators and commissioners to the gates of hell.


Fear porn

The Western establishment is now seeing every corner of the room and projecting their fear onto the population with the aid of the accomplice of mass media. The unprecedented media terror that is now being unleashed on the population is like a virus. That same establishment chooses to flee forward and provoke Russia so that NATO can take Article 5 of the Charter off the shelf.

The Russians are liberating Ukraine. The Russian tank columns drive through the country unimpeded. In every village, they leave the Russian flag, which is hosted by the residents at the town hall.

Kyiv will be taken this weekend and then the refugee flow will get going.

If they knock on the door here, they need to be screened properly, there’s a 100% chance we’ll bring in the Nazi battalions.

NATO aggression pact ready

German NATO troops have now arrived in the Lithuanian parish of the European Union (Restored Roman Empire). These soldiers are going to stop the Russians. Complaint number one: there is not enough warm clothing, the helmets were given to Ukraine as a gift and there is also a chronic shortage of underpants.


The lack of a common definition of “missing child,” and a common response to the issue, results in few reliable statistics on the scope of the problem around the world.


One child missing is one too many

Even with this challenge, it is reliably documented that:

In Australia, an estimated 20,000 children are reported missing every year. (Source: Australian Federal Police, National Coordination Centre).

In Canada, an estimated 45,500 children are reported missing each year. (Source: Government of Canada, Canada’s Missing – 2015 Fast Fact Sheet.

In Germany, an estimated 100,000 children are reported missing each year. (Source: Initiative Vermisste Kinder).


In India, an estimated 196,000 children go missing each year. (Source: Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Missing Children of India).

In Jamaica, an estimated 1,984 children were reported missing in 2015. (Source: Jamaica’s Office of Children’s Registry).

In Russia, an estimated 48,000 children were reported missing in 2015. (Source: Interview with Pavel Astakhov MIA “Russia Today”, Apr. 4, 2016).

In Spain, an estimated 24,000 children are reported missing every year. (Source: Spain Joins EU Hotline for Missing Children, Sep. 22, 2010).

In the United Kingdom, an estimated 112,900 children are reported missing every year. (Source: National Crime Agency, UK Missing Persons Bureau 2019).

In the United States, an estimated 460,000 children are reported missing every year. (Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation, NCIC 2019).

This, however, is only a snapshot of the problem. In many countries, statistics on missing children are not even available; and, unfortunately, even available statistics may be inaccurate due to: under-reporting/under-recognition; inflation; incorrect database entry of case information; and deletion of records once a case is closed.


It is also very much our concern that missing migrant and refugee children disappear all the time without leaving any traces. Are they entering the country with the purpose to be abused and sacrificed in Satanic rituals?


The lack of numbers, and the discrepancy in the numbers that do exist, is one of the key reasons why ICMEC developed and advocates for the Model Missing Child Framework, which assists countries with building strong, well-rounded national responses, and facilitates more efficient investigations, management, and resolution of missing children cases.



In The Netherlands, despite many high-level conferences at various universities like above at the University of Leyden, on how to tackle child trafficking, child abuse, and satanic sacrifices, the Dutch government (January 2022) still refuses to start an independent investigation. In spite of hundreds of credible witnesses by survivors of child abuse and satanic sacrifices, no investigation has been started yet. Several survivors have identified high-ranking civil servants, politicians, and members of the Royal Family (especially the ex-Queen Beatrix has been mentioned multiple times) alike and that might explain why the current Dutch government is unwilling to conduct an independent investigation.


The 17th-century inner city of Amsterdam (the „Walletjes“) is the one center for prostitution for boys and girls alike. Many of the sex workers are being forced to work as such and have been abducted and trafficked. Often, the victims come from Eastern Europe (Chernobyl in Ukraine?)



Missing Children’s Statistics

Britain’s child migrants: ‘I was told I was going on a picnic’

Human Sacrifices (Including Children) in South America and 20 Other Cultures for Religious and other (Satanic) Purposes

China, Canada, truckers, containers with children and sex slaves;


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