The Monte Azul Community Association

By Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, et. al.

Robert Gorter is emeritus professor of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF)


Map - The Monte Azul Community Association


The Monte Azul Community Association is an anthroposophic organization conducting integrated social work.


With local and Northern European sponsors, the foundation built sewage system, brought in electricity and clean running water

With local and Northern European sponsors, the foundation built sewage system, brought in electricity and clean running water


The “Associação Comunitária Monte Azul” is an association founded in 1979 by German Waldorf School teachers and Doctors. The initiative cares for 48.000 people living in the three Favelas “Monte Azul”, “Peinha” and “Horizonte Azul”. With an infant-group, kindergartens pre-school- and school accompanying youth-groups as well as training workshops (electric workshop, paper recycling, waste recovery and furniture restoration) Monte Azul supports more than 1.000 youngsters. Additionally, the institution provides artistic activities and medical care. The association employs 280 regular co-workers.


Construction going on nonstop

Construction going on nonstop


Dr. Robert Gorter: “from deep poverty and rampant neglect with daily shootings by drug gangs, rampant prostitution and poor hygiene, these three favelas turned into well-functioning communities where all children go to school and learn a job and develop self-esteem. Some got scholarships from a few Dutch and German anthroposophic doctors to go to the university with the promise that they would return and serve their communities for at least five years. Most of the principles of Three-Fold Social Order by Rudolf Steiner are being applied successfully.”



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