Scuola di Luca Easter Retreat in Milan


Scuola di Luca Easter Retreat in Milan in 2005


The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy

Since 1996, it had become a tradition that once a year at Eastern Time, all faculty and students of all four years would retreat for 4 days to go in depth into a chosen subject that all agreed upon should be worked through in depth.

One of traditional Easter Retreat of Scuola di Luca took place in Milan in 2005. The main subject was “Resurrection” and as part of the studies, everybody visited the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci very early on Eastern Sunday. Scuola di Luca had been able to make reservations in such a way that Scuola di Luca as a group could be within the sanctuary all by itself for 15 minutes, and not being disturbed by tourists who might not be that much into the subject as the students tried to be.

Below you can see a group picture of (most of) the students present at the Easter Retreat of 2005 in Milan, Italy. A few made it in time to visit the Last Supper but several were too late ( this is Italy…) for this early-rise picture. Robert Gorter (all the way in the back) and Roberto Callosi in the blue jacket, the Chair of the Foundation what carried Scuola di Luca (of course), all the way in the front and in the center.

Robert Gorter and a group of students at the Easter Retreat (Milan 2005)
Robert Gorter and a group of students at the Easter Retreat (Milan 2005)

The retreat was very intimate and the students worked very hard to try and comprehend this most difficult-to-understand mystery for the human mind: “The Mystery of Golgotha.”

In the center of the studies and deliberations were the information given by Rudolf Steiner in his various lectures and books on the nature of the Christ.

Robert Gorter at Scuola di Luca Milano
A little rest in between all-day activities and lectures (Easter 2005)
Robert Gorter at Scuola di Luca Milano
Students at work during one of the painting sessions (Easter 2005)
Robert Gorter and Cata Caccini
Robert Gorter and Cata Caccini (an architect and one of the new teachers) showing off after a lecture (Easter 2005)
Fiorenza de Angelis as most of people of Scuola di Luca knew her (Easter 2005)
Fiorenza de Angelis as most of people of Scuola di Luca knew her (Easter 2005)
Robert Gorter and Fiorenza de Angelis (Eastern 2005)
Robert Gorter and Fiorenza de Angelis (Eastern 2005)
Robert Gorter (l) with two students of Scuola di Luca
Robert Gorter (l) with two students of Scuola di Luca at the entrance of the school building in Florence, Italy (ca. 2004)


1 thought on “Scuola di Luca Easter Retreat in Milan”

  1. In 1994, with Fiorenza de Angelis, we established the second Art Therapy school in Italy.

    I have very dear memories and we got a lot of work done.

    A spin-off became the Art Therapy School Stella Maris in Bologna, which is going strong till today (2023) and where I lecture and contribute twice a year.

    Soon, larg numbers of students will come to Stella Maris in Bologna through San Francisco State University (SFSU)

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