Insurance company refuses legal assistance because COVID-19 vaccination is based on gene technology

Insurance company refuses legal assistance because COVID-19 vaccination is based on gene technology


Prof. Dr. Med. Robert Gorter

(with thanks to Frontnews)

September 3rd, 2023


The German insurance company Auxilia Rechtsschutz-Versicherung has rejected an application for legal aid in connection with a suspected COVID-19 vaccine damage claim. The reasoning is astonishing, but has been expected in this form by critics of the gene experiment since 2021: The insurance company invokes its terms and conditions, which exclude damage from bio, nano, or gene technology, reports Report24.

AUXILIA Legal Assistance Insurance is of the opinion that it is well protected against claims from the insured by its general terms and conditions. The insurance company states that in principle all damage attributable to genetic engineering is excluded from insurance coverage. Read below an extract from a corresponding rejection of an application for legal aid. The argument is also based on a ruling by the Cologne Regional Court, which “clearly confirms the gene technology of the vaccine”.


Extract from the letter from AUXILIA Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG. Machine translation Yandex

We looked up the relevant passage in the terms and conditions of the insurance company; you will find the extract below:


Machine translation Yandex

All insurance companies that have a similar clause in their policy terms and conditions are presumably exempt from the obligation to pay legal fees in the event of COVID-19 vaccine claims. So what critics of the great gene experiment have suspected since 2021 is happening now: the disadvantaged are all on their own. Only those who can afford it financially can go to court. On the other side are billion-dollar companies with the best lawyers and political connections imaginable. We should not forget that the EU and the vaccine manufacturers have contractually agreed that the EU will pay all costs of any compensation proceedings. Ultimately, the taxpayer will have to pay for all the damage that results from these genetic experiments.

Everyone now knows someone who thinks differently: unwanted side effects in the family.


In Germany, the ADAC is the national insurance company for all car drivers and motorcyclists in case they experience an accident or failure of their vehicle(s). The ADAC insurance company excludes all accidents and damage in car drivers and motorcyclists who received mRNA injections. This exclusion was published and sent to all insured by ADAC as a warning


During the month of January 2021 (!!) all major Health Insurance Companies (like this company) sent their policyholders a notice that all damages and deaths caused by COVID-19 injections would not be covered by their Health Insurance companies as COVID-19 injections are mass experiments on billions of people and a Crime Against Humanity as described in the CODE of Nürnberg (Official part of the Bill of Human Rights)


Why do otherwise perfectly intelligent, sane, and otherwise rational people resist the crumbling illusion that the big boys above us are good? And why do they defend that position with such vehemence? There is plenty of evidence of corruption and deceit these days. We know that many politicians lie and hide their connections. Many companies have contempt for moral standards, writes the German news portal

Every day, we receive mail from people reporting on sometimes tragic family events. We are pleased to publish a virtual letter to us today, disclosed anonymously here.
Thank you very much for your great work. I would like to report on the health status of my family. It’s so bad and scary to follow this. At least I want to tell. We are with 16 people, of which only 6 are still unvaccinated.

My grandmother (86) has been seeing worse and worse for six months (vaccination), and is almost blind. Before the vaccination, she had normal myopia/hyperopia, which changed very slowly.

My grandfather (86) also had Parkinson’s before. Since half a year (vaccination), however, he has had more severe neurological symptoms and strange circulatory problems (extreme sweating), which the doctors say is not consistent with Parkinson’s. He moved into a nursing home a few days ago. He wanted to go there because he wanted to be near the doctors in his condition. Before that, my grandpa and grandma together cared for my grandpa’s condition (with support) for over 15 years.

My uncle (80) had a pulmonary embolism after the vaccination, which was only discovered in time by chance. My father (73) has inflammation in his joints all over his body. He thinks it’s normal because he had similar symptoms years ago. I still find it striking that the inflammation coincides with the vaccination. And they also appear to be more serious than ever before.

My little brother (32) had severe chills after his first vaccination.

My little niece (22) had a big red rash all over her arm after the first vaccination.

My aunt (54) was sick for a week after the first vaccination and still has diarrhea.

My great-aunt, great-uncle, and stepmother report no recent ailments. But I don’t see them much either and I’m not sure they’re completely healthy.

My ex-boyfriend’s mother had severe diarrhea and severe pain from the nerves in her face for a long time after the vaccine. Since then she regularly has such nerve pains, also in her shoulder. She has been in and out of the hospital for weeks. Before that, she wasn’t as fit as a fiddle, but she was stable and healthy.

It is insane for her to experience these symptoms and not be able to talk about them with her immediate family.

It could be a coincidence. But for me, there is a strong suspicion that the new complaints are related to vaccination consequences. They are different symptoms, but they all fit right into the explanatory pattern. It’s exactly the kind of injuries that are statistically to be expected.

However you take it, it would be good to talk about it. But the topic is so heavily blocked that I feel censored in my own family. At least I try not to freak out and even that is hard. Even if I don’t talk about my suspicions or this topic at all, I’m attacked. Even if I want to warn, I am the one who is steering on other topics. People keep defending this madness against me. I feel they are insecure and now want a creed from me as a critic. I try to focus on the people as I recognize them.

When it comes to the coronavirus/vaccination issue, sometimes I feel my family like psychopaths scaring me. That sounds harsh, but I often don’t recognize them and I’m really afraid of that side of them that comes across as kind of delusional and really doesn’t belong to them at all.

I hope they get better soon. I hope they get strong enough again to focus on OTHERS :-).

Maybe the only way to get them out is to love them. If I show them I love them, it works, most of the time :-). Maybe that will help them at some point just stop worrying, just let it go.

Feel free to use these statements. I just wanted to testify that I can very clearly perceive health changes that I perceive my loved ones to be in a state of mental/emotional distress and often out of sanity.

I’m not saying the latter because I’m mean. I just experience it as a misleading cult. And I hope that this change in people can also be healed.

I want to encourage others to commit to this! In my family, I would have made the family strong with only one ally. It’s just such a shame that a single voice can’t offer a connection point for a crowd. I will do my best anyway.

Greetings to everyone!

We know that corruption surrounds us. We know that the revolving doors between business and politics, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media, and the judiciary very rarely lead to wrongdoing being made right. Occasionally there is some fuss about it in the press, but it is never really paid much attention. We know that governments ignore the rights of the people all the time. So none of this is really controversial.

The Red Cross admits they will not use vaccinated blood for convalescent plasma COVID-19 treatments – What’s wrong with vaccinated blood?

Why then do many people defend these corona measures in such a condescending way? Why, against all the evidence, do they defend the crumbling illusion that the great and the good somewhere above us know better, that they want only our best interests, have scruples, and are wise and sincere?

Why do they defend that the press serves the people and the truth? That one injustice after another arises from mistakes and mistakes, but that there is never a conscious action behind it?

What human being would voluntarily want to live in such a fantasy world? All of us who think for ourselves are affected by it in one way or another.



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