Robert Gorter lectures “The Human Biography”

Robert Gorter lectures “The Human Biography” at Scuola di Luca, Bologna (February-March 2006)

In February 2006, Robert Gorter lectures “The Human Biography” again at the second school of Scuola di Luca, namely Stella Maris in Bologna, Italy.  In a set of 9 lectures, Robert Gorter gave an overview of the basic principles of human development through one’s biography.

Principles like the septennials; the mirroring of the first part of the biography into the second half, and how the second half of one’s biography can be understood as a metamorphosis of the first half; the importance of the chances moon nodes offer to man; karma and reincarnation, and how one’s biography has been planned in life before birth; how life after death turns into life before birth (one’s next earth incarnation) again.

Thanks to the work of Rudolf Steiner, PhD. (1861-1925) a lot is known in great detail about life after death, and how the basic principles of karma and reincarnation and the phenomenon of metamorphosis determine one’s biography.

A few times, students could practise on themselves to listen to one other, reporting on one’s biography. In between, in 6 sessions, Mrs. Carla Borri painted with the students and followed the various themes which were discussed by Robert Gorter before with painting exercises. The weekend workshop was well attended and all students were present throughout the weekend, and there were moments that students were completely taken by the information they received and the clarity with which Robert Gorter could display a subject that complex.

Robert Gorter returned in March of 2006 to lecture on Mankind Development: Karma and Forgiving. In April 2006, he presented the principles of Three-Fold Man and Four-Fold Man. In addition, in March, one week before returning to Bologna, Robert Gorter lectures “The Human Biography” in Palermo, Italy, on  basic rhythms in one’s personal development, like the septennials and the moon node rhythms.

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