The Megadeath Intellectuals of the Great Reset

The Megadeath Intellectuals of the Great Reset


Alexandra Bruce, Johnny Wedmore, and Robert Gorter, MD, PhD.

April 22nd, 2022


The World Economic Forum was not simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. This is the amazing story behind the real men who recruited Klaus Schwab, who helped him create the World Economic Forum, and who taught him to stop worrying and love the bomb.

Johnny Wedmore recently published an article about the hidden history of the mysterious World Economic Forum, who’s currently waging war against the world with its Great Reset.

Founder and Director, Klaus Schwab’s three mentors were the most influential people in America’s thermonuclear deterrence program, as well as leading proponents of the One World Government.

Henry Kissinger recruited Klaus Schwab at the International Harvard Seminar, which was funded by the CIA.

During this time, Kissinger was focused on global governance and depopulation.

But it was with the Council on Foreign Relations that Kissinger became a major player, by wargaming psychological operations, involving America’s growing thermonuclear weapons arsenal ad writing the book on nuclear weapons and foreign policy.

John K Galbraith was a highly-influential economist who helped Klaus Schwab create the World Economic Forum.

Galbraith was an economist at Harvard who traveled to Germany in 1938 to study land policies under Hitler’s National Socialist government.

From there, he went to work for an advisory committee for FDR’s New Deal.


Henry Kissinger ( l ), Klaus Schwab (m), and Ted Heath (r) at the 1980 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

After World War II ended, his work shifted to nuclear weapons. Galbraith was tasked with evaluating the economic effects of the wartime bombing. He interrogated Nazi war criminal, Albert Speer and was sent to Hiroshima and Nagasaki to evaluate the damage caused by the nuclear weapons attack.

By 1968, Galbraith had joined Kissinger in his pursuit of a One World Government and it was during this time that Kissinger introduced Galbraith to Klaus Schwab, along with Herman Kahn, who in 1967 suggested subverting democracy by training a select group of global leaders, which later became the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders.

The World Economic Forum’s recorded history has been manufactured to appear as though the organization was a strictly European creation, but this isn’t so. In fact, Klaus Schwab had an elite American political team working in the shadows that aided him in creating the European-based globalist organization. If you have a decent knowledge of Klaus Schwab’s history, you will know that he attended Harvard in the 1960s where he would meet then-Professor Henry A. Kissinger, a man with whom Schwab would form a lifelong friendship. But, as with most information from the annals of the World Economic Forum’s history books, what you’ve been told is not the full story. In fact, Kissinger would recruit Schwab at the International seminar at Harvard, which had been funded by the US Central Intelligence Agency. Although this funding was exposed the year in which Klaus Schwab left Harvard, the connection has gone largely unnoticed – until now.

Our research indicates that the World Economic Forum is not a European creation. In reality, it is instead an operation that emanates from the public policy grandees of the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixonian eras of American politics; all of whom had ties to the Council on Foreign Relations and the associated “Round Table” Movement, with a supporting role played by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Under a section titled “Special Educational Needs of Decision-Makers”, the paper states: “The desirability of explicitly educated decision-makers so that they are better able, in effect, to plan the destiny of the nation, or to carry out the plans formulated through a more democratic process, should be very seriously considered. One facet of this procedure would be the creation of a shared set of concepts, shared language, shared analogies, shared references…” He goes on to state in the same section that: “Universal re-teaching in the spirit of the humanistic tradition of Europe – at least for its comprehensive leadership group – might be useful in many ways.”

Both Kissinger and Galbraith were heavily involved in the religion of nuclear deterrent warfare but Herman Kahn was, as the New Yorker puts it, “the heavyweight of the Megadeath Intellectuals” and is commonly referred to as “the real Dr. Strangelove”.

Kahn wrote the official military policy on nuclear deterrence and believed that if everyone had nuclear weapons, the world would know peace.


By the late ’60s, Kahn was pushing for a European Union and joined Galbraith in 1970 on a European speaking tour to support Klaus Schwab’s recruitment drive for the first European Union’s first management symposium, now known as the World Economic Forum.

And while they were doing that, Klaus Schwab helped merge his father’s nuclear weapons company into a company that he then directed to illegally build nuclear weapons for the South African government.


Galbraith found himself involved in what was termed at the time, “the Walsh-Sweezy affair” – a US national scandal involving two radical instructors who had been terminated from Harvard. Galbraith’s connections with the affair would result in his appointment at Harvard not being renewed (at that time, the Harvard and John Hopkins universities were not bought by Chinese and other billionaires yet)

In 1972, the Club of Rome published ‘The Limits to Growth, which planted the seeds of the depopulation agenda. And while Kahn, Kissinger, and Galbraith helped Schwab get started, what really brought him the international support he was hoping for was when he introduced the idea of depopulation.

In 1972, the Club of Rome’s founder was invited by Schwab to make the keynote speech 1973. As controversial as it was – even Herman Kahn opposed it –  the World Economic Forum suddenly caught the attention and support of powerful elitists everywhere and blew up to what it has become today.

The article suggests that Schwab’s supervillain persona is a deliberate marketing tactic to gain the attention of those who seek power and wealth to join Schwab as stakeholders in society.

The author believes that the World Economic Forum is reaching its maximum level of expansion before its inevitable collapse because eventually, people will fight back.

But they already know that and all they really seem to care about is world government, depopulation, and thermonuclear war.


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