Robert Gorter teaches Anthroposophic Medicine at San Francisco State University, California, USA (September 2005)
From September 8th through September 20th, Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, was in San Francisco, California, USA again. During this period of time, he taught his regular class on Anthroposophic Medicine again offered by San Francisco State University (SFSU) (Class HH650). Robert Gorter is visiting faculty member at SFSU over the previous 16 years.

Faculty member card for Robert Gorter. This card is proof of full faculty membership and gives access to all buildings and library of San Francisco State University, and its facilities off campus.
Class HH650 is a formal 3-units class offered by SFSU twice a year (usually in September and in February of each year). Robert Gorter teaches this class on Anthroposophic Medicine since at least 12 years. Usually, they are very well attended and participants are mostly nurses, pre-med students, health educators, sometimes teachers, etc.

Robert Gorter in front of the main entrance of the campus of San Francisco State University, California, USA
Through the years, under his chairmanship, a small faculty, specifically for teaching on Anthroposophic Medicine, has been formed, including, besides Robert Gorter, Heidie Finser-Haffner (Eurythmy), John Bloom (Three-Fold Social Order and “Green Banking”), Jessica Rath (therapeutic painting, drawing and modelling), Erik Peper (Bio-Feed Back and life rhythms), Eira Klich-Heartt, RN, and Iris Parris RN (nursing), Meg Gorman (Waldorf Education), Prof. dr. Maria Linder (Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Fullerton State University), etc.
Eira Klich-Heartt, RN, teaching lemon wraps in a hands-on work shop against fever in children and adults (Eira got her Doctor’s Title in Nursing through her clinical studies and publications with lemon wraps in a regular general community hospital affiliated with the University of California San Francisco as a teaching hospital
Jessica Rath teaching her class on therapeutic painting, drawing and modelling.
During these 12 days of his stay, at three occasions, Robert Gorter taught in addition as a guest lecturer at classes given by other lecturers and professors at SFSU. This has almost become a tradition. His lectures are always so lively and so appreciated by students and faculty alike, that he has become a wanted speaker on various subjects: child development, health & illness, nutrition and organic & bio-dynamic agriculture, art & architecture, Three-Fold Social Order, and of course, Immunology and non-toxic Oncology.
This time around, one public and extracurricular lecture was included on the Gorter Model with an emphasis on the treatment of the oncologic patient (see pictures). About 200 – 250 students and faculty members were present. His audience was “hanging at his lips” (as Dutch people say) and you could hear a mouse walk through the auditorium when he spoke (except when he makes jokes: then, at times, his audience seems to break down the building. Robert Gorter can be very, very funny at times, with a lot of self-irony).

Robert Gorter at the end of his lecture on Anthroposophic Medicine (the ‘Cologne Model’) on the evening of September 12th, 2005.
Besides lecturing as an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California San Francisco Medical School (from 1986 through 1993, he was an Assistant Clinical Professor in Residence for the Department of Medicine and the Department of Family & Community Medicine at the same time), Robert Gorter plans to continue giving his classes on Anthroposophic Health Studies at SFSU till he drops dead.
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