Robert Gorter, MD, PhD.
with thanks to Frontnieuws
February 23rd, 2022
We know that when fact-checkers say something, they usually cover something up. But then what? In this article we will try to organize what we know so that we do not get misunderstandings when we talk about complicated matters.
I would like to invite the readers to join in and offer your corrections, additions and clarifications. I want this to be a truthful, relatively complete and understandable introduction to the interplay between COVID, HIV, COVID “vaccines” and immunity.
Immunity is a very complex subject so I won’t cover it in full, but I will shed some light on the connections mentioned above.
First clarifications
– HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is an RNA-based, blood-borne virus, which is transmitted through sex, shared needles and blood products. This virus is associated with a disease called AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Sufferers of this syndrome have their immune systems “turned off”, as it were, and suffer from never-ending infections or rare, aggressive cancers that cannot be stopped by the immune system.
– Sars-Cov-2 is an RNA-based virus that causes COVID-19. Sars-Cov-2 is NOT the same as the HIV virus (see below).
– VAIDS is an informal term, not yet an accepted scientific term, referring to immune problems caused by the COVID vaccine, and is NOT the same as AIDS caused by the HIV.
Sars-Cov-2 and HIV
The origin of Sars-Cov-2 is murky. Sars-Cov-2 is extremely likely to be a product of the Wuhan laboratory work. This article is NOT the place to defend this opinion. We will just put it as something I consider very likely and leave it at that.
Dan Sirotkin, a Harvard graduate with a bachelor’s degree in political science, has written a lengthy article on the fact that Sars-Cov-2 is the result of the development of a Live Attenuated Vaccine (LAV) for an as-yet-unknown pathogen.
Sars-Cov-2 contains several artificial themes that were previously not part of natural coronaviruses and gave it “aptitude” to spread around the world and kill people.
Leaving aside other genetic additions, we would also like to mention that Sars-Cov-2 contains so-called “HIV motifs”, that is, large genetic sequences that have been extracted from the HIV virus, and that are somehow entered the Sars-Cov-2 virus in a suspiciously unnatural way. Actually, already the research done by the Nobel Prize winner in 2006, Luc de Montagnier and others show huge chunks of HIV and the Malaria parasite in COVID-19.
One of those motifs is called “Gp120”. It is discussed in an article titled “Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag”. This article clearly related to the correct genetic sequences, but was later withdrawn under pressure for no apparent reason (sic).
Gp120 is a genetic sequence expressed in the “spike protein” of the COVID-19 virus.
For those who might think this is a coincidental event, here is an annotated image of the past work of UNC’s coronavirus research by Ralph Baric.
Apparently, as early as 2018, Ralph Baric tampered with adding HIV sequences to recombinant derivatives of the SARS-Cov-1 (the old SARS) virus or its spikes. Will a bell finally ring?
The article can be found here:
(Zheng Y, Shang J, Yang Y, Liu C, Wan Y, Geng Q, Wang M, Baric R, Li F. Lysosomal Proteases Are a Determinant of Coronavirus Tropism. J Virol. 2018 Nov 27;92(24):e01504-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01504-18. PMID: 30258004; PMCID: PMC6258935)
Cell entry by coronaviruses involves two principal steps, receptor binding and membrane fusion; the latter requires activation by host proteases, particularly lysosomal proteases. Despite the importance of lysosomal proteases in both coronavirus entry and cell metabolism, the correlation between lysosomal proteases and cell tropism of coronaviruses has not been established. Here, we examined the roles of lysosomal proteases in activating coronavirus surface spike proteins for membrane fusion, using the spike proteins from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) as the model system. To this end, we controlled the contributions from receptor binding and other host proteases, thereby attributing coronavirus entry solely or mainly to the efficiency of lysosomal proteases in activating coronavirus spike-mediated membrane fusion. Our results showed that lysosomal proteases from bat cells support coronavirus spike-mediated pseudo-virus entry and cell-cell fusion more effectively than their counterparts from human cells. Moreover, purified lysosomal extracts from bat cells cleave cell surface-expressed coronavirus spikes more efficiently than their counterparts from human cells. Overall, our study suggests that different lysosomal protease activities from different host species and tissue cells are an important determinant of the species and tissue tropism of coronaviruses.
IMPORTANCE Coronaviruses are capable of colonizing new species, as evidenced by the recent emergence of SARS and MERS coronaviruses; they can also infect multiple tissues in the same species. Lysosomal proteases play critical roles in coronavirus entry by cleaving coronavirus surface spike proteins and activating the fusion of host and viral membranes; they also play critical roles in cell physiology by processing cellular products. How do different lysosomal protease activities from different cells impact coronavirus entry? Here, we controlled the contributions from known factors that function in coronavirus entry so that lysosomal protease activities became the only or the main determinant of coronavirus entry. Using pseudo-virus entry, cell-cell fusion, and biochemical assays, we showed that lysosomal proteases from bat cells activate coronavirus spike-mediated membrane fusion more efficiently than their counterparts from human cells. Our study provides the first direct evidence supporting lysosomal proteases as a determinant of the species and tissue tropisms of coronaviruses.
Ralph Baric is a name to remember, as he is probably one of the central figures in the genesis of Sars-Cov-2. He is a scientist at UNC who has always worked on live attenuated vaccines and coronaviruses. Note that the sequence discussed in that article may not be the same as Gp120. Nevertheless, it shows that such work of inserting HIV sequences into coronaviruses has been done in the past by credible researchers.
We do NOT know who, or how, decided to insert HIV Gp120 into the spike protein code of Sars-Cov-2 but many facts point to DARPA and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIH. What we are showing is that stopping HIV sequences in coronaviruses has been done before. So; it is not at all strange to assume that Gp120 was intentionally added to Sars-Cov-2.
Similarly, the “gp41” motif has been extracted from HIV and introduced into Sars-Cov-2.
Dr. Anthony Fauci showing a model of the virus he co-sponsored by the NIH with tax–payers money through DARPA
Wuhan military laboratory where all “Gain-of-Function” (bio-warfare) research takes place
COVID Vax and HIV Genetic Motives
Both mRNAs (Pfizer 162b2 and Moderna 1273) precisely code for the spike protein of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, with two small “proline” mutations to stabilize free-floating S protein molecules and prevent them from being cleaved.
Every COVID-infected, and every “lucky” recipient of two doses of COVID “vaccine” and booster injections, is therefore also a recipient of the HIV motifs Gp120 and Gp41, which were very likely copied in Sars-Cov-2 by those who also designed it.
Which event – COVID infection or vaccination – produces more spike protein I don’t know, but I’m sure it varies greatly depending on the COVID virus load and vaccine injection technique.
“The range of spike antigen concentrations in the blood of the vaccinates at this early time point largely overlaps with the range of spike antigen concentrations reported in plasma in an acute infection study.”
The COVID vaccine therefore gives about as much spike protein as a COVID infection. And the vaccinated have already had three doses of that! The worst of this is that a COVID infection usually clears up after a week, but spike protein production in the vaccinees continues for another 60-100 days, exposing vaccinees to much more damage from spike protein:
Another study found that mRNA exosomes were found four months after vaccination. Both studies only looked at 60 days and four months, respectively.
It is NOT clear to us what exactly the effect of these two HIV motifs Gp120 and Gp41 is on the OUTCOME of Sars-Cov-2, or the side effects of COVID vaccines, and how they relate to damage from COVID.
However, we (and others) have shown that there IS a CONNECTION BETWEEN HIV, Sars-Cov-2, and the COVID vaccines, through HIV motifs inserted into the spike protein code of Sars-Cov-2.
HIV discoverer and Nobel laureate Luc de Montagnier (mysteriously passed away this month three days before he would testify before the The Grand Jury to prepare the Nurnenberg Trial 2.0):
“Someone added HIV sequences on top of a bat virus.”
Effect of Spike Protein on Immunity
The Spike protein of the Sars-Cov-2 virus or the COVID “vaccines”, is one of the most bioactive and potentially harmful substances known. It is known to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and the cell nucleus and affect DNA replication. It is highly immunogenic.
Vaccine zealots have invented a new symptom for their vaccine injuries: “Long Covid after vaccination”
1. Spike protein seems to reprogram the immune system in a strange way: The mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both the adaptive and innate immune responses.
2. Upon entry into cell nuclei, free-floating spike protein inhibits DNA damage repair: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro. The mechanisms described here are used both in the formation of an immune memory for a possible future disease and in the prevention of DNA mutations that lead to cancer.
Immune system problems in the vaccinated
It is becoming very clear that, upon breakthrough infection with COVID, the vaccinated do NOT develop broad natural immunity, and instead produce more S-antibodies against the spike protein they were originally vaccinated with.
We are not the first to notice these issues, and we are certainly not the only one. People popularly referred to the immune problems of vaccinated people by calling it VAIDS – Vaccine Acquired (or Aided) Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This term is an informal expression, until now, and is not yet used in any scientific paper.
However, the immune problems that the vaccinated face are real. So are reinfections.
Here are some headlines:
Anecdotally, I collect stories about COVID from /r/COVID19Positive subreddit, and it is full of sad stories about endless COVID re-infections in vaccinated, sometimes even occurring within one or two months.
All these messages are very disturbing. While every case of COVID seems mild, its cumulative effects can be very damaging, and that’s putting it mildly to avoid scaremongering.
So, even though VAIDS is not a scientific term yet, we should start to worry about the immune health of our vaccinated friends, relatives and there off-springs.