First known case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2

First known case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2

Commentaries by Robert W. Gorter, MD, PhD.

Torsten Hansen, Ulf et al. in International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 107, June 2021, Pages 172-175

One patient with a single dose of vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 developed relevant serum titer levels but died 4 weeks later.

By postmortem molecular mapping, we found viral RNA in nearly all organs examined.

However, we did not observe any characteristic morphological features of COVID-19.

Immunogenicity might be elicited, while sterile immunity was not established.


A previously symptomless 86-year-old man received the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. He died 4 weeks later from acute renal and respiratory failure. Although he did not present with any COVID-19-specific symptoms, he tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 before he died. Spike protein (S1) antigen-binding showed significant levels for immunoglobulin (Ig) G, while nucleocapsid IgG/IgM was not elicited. Acute bronchopneumonia and tubular failure were assigned as the cause of death at autopsy; however, we did not observe any characteristic morphological features of COVID-19. Postmortem molecular mapping by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed relevant SARS-CoV-2 cycle threshold values in all organs examined (oropharynx, olfactory mucosa, trachea, lungs, heart, kidney, testicles, prostate and cerebrum) except for the liver and olfactory bulb. These results strongly suggest that the first vaccination induces immunogenicity but no immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Dr. Robert Gorter:

So far, what is the take-home of this study in connection with several other post-mortem studies where viral RNA is found in all organs throughout the body four to 12 weeks after the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2? In all traditional vaccine studies, this is never been documented and a major concern is that these experimental vaccinations containing mRNA (spike proteins) could well inhibit or even wipe out innate as well as the adaptive immunity.

The Innate vs. Adaptive Immune Response

The first line of defense against non-self pathogens is the innate, or non-specific, immune response. The innate immune response consists of physical, chemical, and cellular defenses against pathogens. The main purpose of the innate immune response is to immediately prevent the spread and movement of foreign pathogens throughout the body.

The second line of defense against non-self pathogens is called the adaptive immune response. Adaptive immunity is also referred to as acquired immunity or specific immunity and is only found in vertebrates. The adaptive immune response is specific to the pathogen presented. The adaptive immune response is meant to attack non-self pathogens but can sometimes make errors and attack itself. When this happens, autoimmune diseases can develop (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis).

The hallmark of the adaptive immune system is the clonal expansion of lymphocytes. Clonal expansion is the rapid increase of T and B lymphocytes from one or a few cells to millions. Each clone that originates from the original T or B lymphocyte has the same antigen receptor as the original and fights the same pathogen.

While the innate immune response is immediate, the adaptive immune response is not. However, the effect of the adaptive immune response is long-lasting, highly specific, and is sustained long-term to life-long by memory T cells.

All the documented immediate and long-term side effects are massive and often fatal. Therefore, my group and I demand a halt to applying world-wide these experimental vaccines and, for sure, abort each initiative to vaccinate children and infants.

And, as a last remark, SARS-CoV-2 is not that fatal viral infection with any known therapies to reward a pandemic status and an emergency approval for experimental vaccines which have never been studies at all in humans, for one year by the FDA and EMA. .



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Preprint.T. Hansen, U. Titze, N.S.A. Kulamadayil-Heidenreich et al. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 107 (2021) 172–175175

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