Did the British state and the Zionist organization work tightly together to realize the state of Israel through World War II?

Did the British state and the Zionist organization work tightly together to realize the state of Israel through World War II?

Commentaries by Prof. Dr. Robert Gorter

November 3rd, 2023

Did the British state and the Zionist organization work together to realize the state of Israel through World War II? That is a question that arises when you look at what names were behind the November 1917 Balfour Declaration and who founded the Bank of International Settlements (the BIS bank). For example, it was Chaim Azriel Weizmann, a Belarus biochemist and successor to Theodor Herzl in the Zionist organization, who struck a deal with the British the Balfour Declaration to reserve Palestine for the creation of the state of Israel. Weizmann would become the first president of the state of Israel in 1948.

So Palestine was already designated as the future territory for the State of Israel during World War I. No doubt because Jerusalem is located there and because the Zionist movement felt there was thus a historical claim to that territory, but that aside.

Subsequently, the British teamed up with France and struck a deal on land distribution in the form of the Sykes-Picot Treaty. In it, Syria and Lebanon would become French territory. Jordan and Iraq would become British territories.

At the same time, they made a contradictory deal with the Arabs, in which the Arabs (of what is now Saudi Arabia) would be allowed to establish their own kingdom and also have Palestine under their care. This, of course, contradicted the Balfour Declaration in which the very Zionist movement had been promised Palestine. However, the Arabs were recruited to fight against the then-still-existing Ottoman Empire of the Turks, and so Britain and France, together with the Arabs, were able to bring the Turks (who were cooperating with Germany) to their knees.

Britain then partially kept its promise to the Arabs, who were allowed to establish their own kingdom: present-day Saudi Arabia. To appease them, Sheriff Hussein’s sons were allowed to rule Iraq and Jordan, respectively. Son Abdullah Hussein was allowed to become the king of Jordan, and son Faisal Hussein (Saddam Hussein’s grandfather) became king of Iraq. The promise of Palestinian territory was thus massaged away by giving the Hussein family Iraq and Jordan during negotiations at the end of World War I, with Faisal Hussein present for the deal.

So Palestine did not go to the Arabs, but they were amply rewarded. After all, they had oil-rich lands under their control and so could count on quite a bit of wealth. The British and French, of course, could count on oil from those countries and were actually the real boss through Arab vassal kings. Palestine came under the control of The League of Nations; an organization that kept Palestine under British military rule until several years after the end of World War II.

Then two decades later we had World War II. Germany was stuck with the reparations scheme, where the country had to hand over billions as a kind of punitive payment for the damages of World War I. These reparations were a wonderful alibi for the rise of Adolf Hitler, who could sell the German people that he wanted to get rid of this scheme. The rise of Adolf Hitler is interesting to take a closer look at because when we look at Hitler’s financing, the British play a more important role.

We already knew that much of the funding of the German war machine is attributed to Prescott Bush (grandfather of George Walker Bush, the last president from the Bush clan), a buddy of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. What may be new to many is that much of Germany’s funding came from Britain in the form of 23.1 tons of gold. That gold could be transferred to the Germans through the creation of the Bank of International Settlements (the BIS bank).

The BIS bank was founded by the governor of the British Central Bank, Montagu Norman, in collaboration with his German friend Hjalmar Schacht. Hjalmar Schacht was subsequently the man who was given the title “Hitler’s banker” (see the photo accompanying this article). He called the BIS bank “my bank,” but actually it was a bank of the British and the Germans together; the bank of Montagu Norman and Hjalmar Schacht; the bank that gave Hitler the gold (looted in World War I) to carry out his mission. I call it “his mission” because it appears that Hitler was a puppet of the British; the British who established their Zionist agenda in the Balfour Declaration between Chaim Azriel Weizmann and Walter Rothschild.

From what can we infer that the British had a purpose in World War II (and thus the rise and fall of the Third Reich)? Well, it is clear from a 1295-page document from the Bank of England which reads, “The general attitude of the directors of the Bank of England toward the BIS bank during World War II was determined by their fears about the role of the BIS in solving postwar problems.

So, in fact, the Bank of England assumed that the BIS (that bank specifically created to finance Germany) had to play a role in a postwar challenge. And with that, you could say that they knew that they would be the winner of this war. And surely that may be called a great signal that this important financier of Adolf Hitler controlled this whole game from A to Z and needed that war only and solely for that postwar challenge. So it seems that Adolf Hitler was allowed to rise, grow in power, and then had to be knocked down again; entirely planned in advance and financed big time by Britain.

So what was this postwar challenge? Well, we all know that after World War II, the UN was created. What many probably do not know is that a new trick was then played. After the creation of the United Nations, the British withdrew their colonial mandate (self-proclaimed ownership) over Palestine and transferred it to the UN. Palestinians under British military rule for more than 30 years thus found themselves without protection. The UN then passed a resolution on a division of Palestinian territory into a part for the Palestinians and a part for the establishment of the state of Israel.

This led to a conflict between the original Palestinian population and Jewish “refugees” who arrived during World War II, with the Palestinians, of course, losing out, as they had been kept small and disarmed by the British for decades.


Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952), President of the Global Zionist Organization and from 1949 till his death the very first President of Israel

For the stage, the (bribed) Arabs still helped out a bit on the Palestinian side, but in reality, it was a breeze to turn this short-lived war in favor of the Jews, leading to the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. And who became president of that state of Israel? You already read it at the beginning of this article. The first president of the State of Israel was the one who made the Balfour deal with Walter Rothschild (with Great Britain) for the reservation of land in Palestine: Chaim Azriel Weizmann.

Do we have here the description of what was in that 1295-page document from the Bank of England; that document where they described the BIS bank as an important partner, where they talked about the role of the BIS regarding the solution during post-war problems?

Could we conclude from all of this that the Third Reich and the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler, including so much talked about (and illegally disputed by some) holocaust, was entirely planned and financed by Britain in cooperation with the Zionist organization, for the benefit of a Problem, Reaction, Solution set-up in order to establish the state of Israel and thus give its victims immunity status in that (by Walter Rothschild, on behalf of Britain) promised land?

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