Dr. Gorter in the laboratory

Dr. Gorter in the laboratory

Four to five times per week you could find Dr. Gorter in the laboratory, actively participating in and over-looking the manufacturing of dendritic cells from cancer patients’ own white blood cells. The laboratory is very high tech with its clean rooms and over pressure to ensure absolute sterility. These pictures with Dr. Gorter in the laboratory have been taken with a smart phone and through a clear plastic bag and therefore, these pictures are a bit hazy.

robert gorter laboratory
Dr. Gorter in the laboratory
dr. robert gorter laboratory
Dr. Gorter in the laboratory


Dendritic cells therapy for cancer patients

Up to 2010, Medical Center Cologne (MCC) has treated roughly 3500 patients with dendritic cells therapy. Conditions successfully treated with dendritic cells vaccination have included primary and secondary brain tumors, primarybone cancer and bone metastasis, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, liver metastasis of all kinds, cholangiocarcinoma, lung cancer, melanoma, and prostate cancer.

Using the Gorter Model, patients with end-stage cancer frequently experience partial remission and stabilize for several years with very positive quality of life. Some also experience sustained and complete remission. For example, to date 48% of all patients with Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV went in complete and long-lasting remission. This is remarkable, given that statistics from the medical literature indicate that with standard treatment, about 72% of all patients who have been diagnosed with Glioblastoma multiforme Stage IV die within the first year of diagnosis and only 1% survive three years.

These outcomes reflect the positive survival rates frequently seen in the patients at the Medical Center Cologne. Dendritic cells therapy has been an integral aspect of Dr. Gorter’s treatment for more than 10 years.

This work has pioneered a very moderate approach to hyperthermia and immunotherapy, developing safe, effective protocols that are now being validated in the peer-reviewed medical literature.

Today, research centers worldwide are studying dendritic cells therapy, which continues to emerge “as a potentially powerful, non-toxic and broadly useful vaccination strategy for cancer patients.”

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