Robert Gorter, MD, PhD.
Updated July 1st, 2020
Dr. Gorter:
Peer-reviewed, scientific literature shows a rapidly increasing number of studies about the damaging effect of pulsed electromagnetic radiation (4G and 5G) on various vital organs, like the brain, the heart and immunosuppression causing cancer and chronic degenerative diseases.
Over the past 15+ years, my team and I got the strong impression that the patients we saw at the Gorter Model clinics had more frequently cancer at a younger age and almost 40% of all patients above 50 years of age had a history of or currently living with significant cardiac arrhythmias (and all were taking medication for it). We started to wonder why this trend way? Long term side effects from earlier chemotherapy and/or radiation? Patients had many immune parameters which were indicating significant suppressed immune function. The suspicion grew that the almost 24 hour exposure to 4G and now 5G pulsed radiation could be the reason of decreased health and immune functioning. And since the electromagnetic waves are pulsed, out attention was drawn damage done internally, including heart, brain and immune system.Amazingly, we found a large body of peer-reviewed studies documenting the disastrous environmental impact of pulsed, high-frequency radio radiation 4G but especially 5G but policy makers and public health officials seem to ignore all these compelling data..
Cardiovascular Effects of High Radio Frequency Radiation
Radio frequency radiation (RFR) from wireless devices passes through the body and can affect many (all) organs. A mechanism of injury has been documented in the basic science literature to be related to calcium channels and the creation of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, which damage DNA, lipids and proteins. Research is limited on non-ionizing radiation on the cardiovascular system but studies have shown clear evidence of changes in autonomic function with a cell phone radiation or Wi-Fi router radiation, including heart rhythm, blood pressure and catecholamine efficacy on the heart. Turedi (2015) looked at prenatal exposure to cell phone radiation in rat pups. They found “swelling in the mitochondria, degeneration in myofibrils and structural impairments” with histopathologic evidence of oxidative stress.
Is Wireless Radiation an Emerging Environmental Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease?
Cardiac disease remains the number one cause of death globally according to the WHO. An Australian study by Vernon (2017) examined cardiac disease and Standard Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors (SMCVRF). The researchers found a significant rise in the proportion of STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction) patients with otherwise poor or no association to known modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. In these patients, there was a reduction of cholesterol and smoking, and with no change in hypertension or diabetes. They called for new approaches to explain this.Bandara and Weller (2017) responded by publishing seminal paper, “Cardiovascular disease:
“Time to identify emerging environmental risk factors“, in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology. They point out the strong and growing evidence that radiofrequency radiation from wireless devices can negatively affect normal functioning of cellular processes throughout the body via oxidation/inflammation pathways. Starting with military studies that clearly showed cardiovascular effects they end with a review of 242 studies on RFR and oxidative stress noting, “A staggering 216 (89%) of them found significant negative effects”.
It is well known that oxidative stress is associated with inflammation and cardiovascular disease. To improve the outcome for cardiac patients the researchers add, “As for recovery from STEMI, restoration of myocardial perfusion can be compromised by changes of endothelial integrity, platelet aggregation, neutrophil infiltration and inflammation after an acute thrombotic coronary occlusion. At a cellular level, these processes are controlled by redox mechanisms/signaling pathways and therefore, actively reducing exposure to RF-EMR warrants consideration as part of post-STEMI patient management. Indeed, we require high quality clinical studies to investigate if such an approach is effective.” They also highlight the widespread ignorance of physicians in this matter.
Cardiac Tumors and an Aging Heart
The National Toxicology Program on Cell Phones and Cancer study completed in 2018 revealed not only clear evidence of (otherwise rare) cardiac tumors and DNA damage but also histopathologic changes in the heart consistent with early aging. This is consistent with the toxic oxidative effects seen in laboratory studies. See NTP Technical Report.
Heart Palpitations and Electro-Sensitivity
Electro-sensitivity is an acute symptom complex in some 3% of individuals who experience heart palpitations, headaches, nausea, irritability which occur in the presence a cell phone, Wi Fi router, cell tower or other wireless devices. This appears related to multiple chemical sensitivities with common inflammatory biomarkers identified. (Belpomme 2015). Electro-sensitivity (also known as electro-hypersensitivity, EHS or microwave illness) symptoms were highlighted in a NASA document ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD INTERACTIONS WITH THE HUMAN BODY: OBSERVED EFFECTS AND THEORIES 1981. Electro-sensitivity along with multiple chemical sensitivities are now being recognized by the United States Access Board as a disability “under the ADA if they so severely impair the neurological, respiratory or other functions of an individual that it substantially limits one or more of the individual’s major life activities.” Although they have not yet ruled on it they did create recommendations including “that a project be organized to develop guidelines for the design of an “ideal space” for people with MCS and EMS” Dr. Ann Lee, former physician at the Stanford Traumatic Brain Tumor Unit, and her son testify in Sacramento, California about her son’s electro-sensitivity with heart palpitations in the presence of Wi Fi routers and Antenna.
A pilot study by the Weston Price Foundation in 2015 looked at the effects of cell phone radiation using live blood analysis under the microscope of healthy young volunteers on a whole food Weston A Price Foundation diet, “WAPF ” diet, versus controls. In both groups they observed abnormal red blood cell aggregation during and after short term cell phone use.
Exposure to cell phones reduces heart rate variability in both normal-weight and obese normotensive medical students. (2020) Alassiri M et al. Explore (NY). 2020 Mar 2.
Assessment of electromagnetic fields, vibration and sound exposure effects from multiple transceiver mobile phones on oxidative stress levels in serum, brain and heart tissue. (2020) Usman JD et al. Scientific African. Vol 7. March 2020.
Aluminium foil dampened the adverse effect of 2100 MHz mobile phone-induced radiation on the blood parameters and myocardium in rats. (2019) Kalanjati VP. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2019. Apr;26(12):11686-11689.
Syncope Due to Ventricular Arrhythmia Triggered by Electronic Gaming. (2019) N Engl J Med. 2019; 381:1180-118.
National Toxicology Technical Report on Cell Phones and Cancer. TOXICOLOGY AND CARCINOGENESIS STUDIES IN Hsd:SPRAGUE DAWLEY SD RATS EXPOSED TO WHOLE-BODY RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION AT A FREQUENCY (900 MHz) AND MODULATIONS (GSM AND CDMA) USED BY CELL PHONES. March 26-28, 2018. 2 Year Study showing increased incidence of right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
Cardiovascular disease: Time to identify emerging environmental risk factors, (2017) Bandara P and Weller S. European Journal of Preventative Cardiology. October 3, 2017.
The effects of the duration of mobile phone use on heart rate variability parameters in healthy subjects. (2016) Ekici B, Tanındı A, Ekici G, Diker E. Anatol J Cardiol. 2016 Apr 7.
Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit. (2015) Linda Saili. Environmental toxicology and Pharmacology.Vol 40. September 2015.
The effects of prenatal exposure to a 900-MHz electromagnetic field on the 21-day-old male rat heart. (2015) Turedi S et al. Electromagn Biol Med. 2015;34(4):390-7.
Replication of heart rate variability provocation study with 2.4-GHz cordless phone confirms original findings. (2013) Havas, M, Marrongelle, J. Electromag Biol Med 2013; 32: 253–266.
Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. (2013) Pall, ML . J Cell Mol Med 2013; 17: 958–965.
Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis in radio and TV broadcasting stations workers. (2012) Bortkiewicz A et al. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2012 Sep;25(4):446-55.
The influence of 1800 MHz GSM-like signals on blood chemistry and oxidative stress in non-pregnant and pregnant rabbits. (2012) Kismali G. Int J Radiat Biol. 2012 May;88(5):414-9.
The influence of the call with a mobile phone on heart rate variability parameters in healthy volunteers. (2008) Andrzejak R et al. Ind Health. 2008 Aug;46(4):409-17.
Electromagnetic fields produced by incubators influence heart rate variability in newborns. (2008) Bellieni CV. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2008 Jul;93(4):F298-301.
Cardiovascular risk in operators under radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. (2006) Vangelova K et al. Int J Hyg Environ Health 2006; 209: 133–138.
Mobile phone-induced myocardial oxidative stress: protection by a novel antioxidant agent caffeic acid phenethyl ester. (2005) Ozguner F. Toxicol Ind Health. 2005 Oct;21(9):223-30.
Variations of melatonin and stress hormones under extended shifts and radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. (2005) Vangelova KK and Israel MS. Rev Environ Health 2005; 20: 151–161. calcium-channels and antiarrhythmic drug action. (2000) Cardiovascular research. Vol 45. Pg 43-51. January 2000
Resting blood pressure increase during exposure to a radio-frequency electromagnetic field (1998) Braune S et al. Lancet. 1998; 351: 1857–1858.
Alteration of diurnal rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate to workers exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. (1998) Szmigielski S et al. Blood Press Monit 1998; 3: 323–330.
Ambulatory ECG monitoring in workers exposed to electromagnetic fields. (1997) Bortkiewicz A et al. J Med Eng Technol. 1997 Mar-Apr;21(2):41-6.
[Evaluation of selected functional circulation parameters of workers from various occupational groups exposed to electromagnetic fields of high frequency. III. 24-h monitoring of arterial blood pressure (ABP)]. (1997) Gadzicka E. Med Pr. 1997;48(1):15-24.
[Evaluation of selected parameters of circulatory system function in various occupational groups exposed to high frequency electromagnetic fields. II. Electrocardiographic changes]. (1996) Bortkiewicz A et al. Med Pr. 1996;47(3):241-52.
Early research on the biological effects of microwave radiation: 1940–1960. (1980) Cook HJ et al. AJ Ann Sci 1980; 37: 323–351.
Radiofrequency/microwave radiation biological effects and safety standards: A review, Griffiss Air Force Base, New York: United States Air Force Materiel Command, 1994. Bolen SM.
US Air Force RF review in 1988 acknowledges non-thermal biological effects
Army Intelligence- Research on Biological Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation in Eurasian Communist Countries, 1976. Adams RL and Williams RA.
Army Intelligence- Research on Biological Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation in Eurasian Communist Countries, 1976.
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