Scientists world-wide debate discovery of Nanotechnology found in COVID Jabs & strange Structures found in Blood of the Vaccinated

Dr. Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, and Rhoda Wilson

December 6th, 2022

A little more than a week ago, International Crimes Investigative Committee (“ICIC”), hosted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Mike Yeadon, held a discussion with four experts on nanotechnology and self-assembling structures in mRNA injections.  The panel of experts comprised Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Karen Kingston and Shimon Yanowitz.

Yesterday, ICIC Dr. Fuellmich hosted a second discussion, following on from the first, to discuss with Holger Reißner and Klaus Retzlaff what the observed phenomena and structures in the blood of people who have had an mRNA injection are all about.

Nanotechnology: self-assembly structures in mRNA-injections

Using dark-field microscopy, Dr. Nixon has examined blood samples from people who have been injected with mRNA-based substances and explains the results with corresponding images. Crystalline, unnatural structures are revealed, which change in further observation and show characteristics of a kind of nano- or micro-technology.

Dr. Mihalcea is intensively involved with the ingredients of the Covid mRNA substances. In particular, also with the so-called “shedding effect” of which it is assumed that harmful excretions can be transferred from “vaccinated” people to the “unvaccinated.”

Kingston, whose research interests include toxicology and the analysis of clinical data as well as the ingredients of the covid mRNA substances, complains that all measures regarding a functioning quality assurance management in the administration of a so-called novel “vaccination” to billions of people worldwide have failed and are still not being implemented after the already poor data situation.

For electrical engineer Shimon Yanowitz, the results of his research have shown that it is a kind of micro-technology, as the injected substances change strangely in the human body and have characteristics of electronic circuits. It is also disturbing that the lipid nanoparticles found in the substances have been approved as “technical devices”, as Karen Kingston reports.

For a bit of background, below is a list of relevant articles we have previously published on these topics:

This was the first of ICIC’s episodes on self-assembling structures in mRNA injections.  Below is an edited 20-minute clip from the 2 hr 30 min session.  You can watch the full session on ICIC’s video channel or Rumble. 

ICIC Covid Vaccines – Nanotech self-assembling structures within them, 27 November 2022 (20 mins)

Self-assembly structures in mRNA injections: natural or created after all

After the first episode on self-assembling structures in mRNA injections, the second part deals, among other things, with the question of whether these self-assembling structures are of natural origin or could be created after all. Is it possibly a biological weapon or a combination in the context of so-called gain-of-function research?

In this second episode, Holger Reißner, European Industrial Engineer for Research and Development and Klaus Retzlaff, Doctor of Physics and Therapist, spokesperson for the Vaccination Experts Working Group report their research findings. They use images and video material to show what the observed phenomena and structures in the blood of people who have had an mRNA injection are all about.

Are there graphene oxide and other impurities in the mRNA substances? What is it about cortisol crystals and toxic nano lipids that can be identified? Can our DNA be altered by them? What are the known side effects of mRNA injections? In which time windows do they occur, and what conclusions can be drawn from the available statistical data? What is the state of knowledge regarding correlations between mRNA injections and external influences, such as radio waves, 5G and other electromagnetic influences? What can those affected do to minimise damage to their health and where can they find support?

Many questions of this kind and further insights were discussed.  Also discussed were ways out of fear and towards personal responsibility.

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