Disturbing: Three existing covid vaccines contain DNA (not just RNA) for the synthesis of proteins in your body.

Disturbing: Three existing covid vaccines contain DNA (not just RNA) for the synthesis of proteins in your body.


Prof. Dr. Robert Gorter, MD, PhD.

(with thanks to Front news)

October 14th, 2021


The several experimental COVID-19 vaccines rushed to market do not work as traditional biological vaccines with a killed or weekend virus or pathogen but are wrongly presented and regulated as such. Standard vaccines introduce weakened forms of a target virus, in combination with inflammatory adjuvants and other chemicals. These new mRNA, adenovirus, and DNA vaccines take advantage of the virus’ “software” and force the body to make copies of the virus.

Professor Jonathan Gershoni of Israel’s Tel Aviv University explains that three COVID-19 vaccines on the market are actually DNA vaccines. Inoculations manufactured by Sputnik V, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson contain DNA (not just RNA) that is inserted into the nucleus of human cells to ultimately translate and replicate lab-engineered spike proteins.

India is getting a new kind of DNA vaccine made by Zydus Cadila; it will be called ZyCoV-D. This vaccine contains less DNA than the other DNA vaccines and that DNA is not hidden by a viral vector (adenovirus). For these vaccines, the 1,200 amino acid sequence of the coronavirus spike protein is contained in a plasmid, and it is administered intradermally in a three-dose, three-month-duration protocol that uses a high-pressure stream of fluid that contains DNA.

Gene experiments, cellular reprogramming, and destruction of the innate immune system

The adenovirus-contaminated covid vaccines contain all the DNA of the engineered spike protein. These vaccines covertly deliver DNA from the bioweapon hidden in an adenovirus envelope. Once the spike protein’s DNA evades the innate immune system, its genetic instructions are transcribed inside the human cells, mass-producing lab-engineered spike proteins.

The pharmaceutical media and their fact-checkers continue to lie about the experimental, gene-altering science behind the new COVID-19 vaccines. In unison, they argue that vaccines do not alter human DNA or alter genetic expression. However, these vaccines are genetic experiments designed to keep people dependent on vaccine updates; the inoculations are designed to break the innate immune system with the aim of changing how cells read the body’s own genetic code.

The adenovirus vaccines deliver the spike protein DNA into the cell by using the adenovirus to subvert the innate immune response. The mRNA vaccines use lipid nanoparticles to hide the instructions and slip them into the cell’s ribosomes. During the initial immune suppression process, these vaccines do not elicit a strong enough T cell response to elicit sufficient T helper 1, T helper 2, and memory B cells. Because the innate immune system is not exposed to the entire virus, including the envelope and nucleocapsid, the immune system SUFFERS. This incomplete and undermined immune response sets the body up for serious illness upon subsequent re-infection.

No guarantee that these gene-altering experiments are temporary

In this new vaccine technology, the messenger RNA or DNA of a foreign lab-engineered spike protein is introduced into the body to override the affected cells’ natural protein synthesis. Once this natural transcription process is manipulated again by the vaccines, there is no guarantee that the cells will stop using this foreign code. There are no studies mapping where the spike proteins move in the body, how long they persist, or whether their replication changes protein synthesis indefinitely and becomes part of human cells or human DNA.

Since DNA cannot transcribe on its own, the DNA vaccines must insert the foreign DNA into the nucleus of the human cell. This allows messenger RNA to make a throwaway copy of the DNA and prepare instructions for protein synthesis in the ribosome. The RNA has the ability to interact with the cell’s ribosomes and is responsible for encoding the type of protein the cell is instructed to produce.

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