5G affects humans, animals and plants

Contemplations on 5G and its detrimental effects 
Robert Gorter, MD, PhD, et al.

25 July 2020


Dr. Robert Gorter: I have always been interested in the various functions of the immune system: also from an evolutionary point of view. When I was a medical student in Amsterdam in the 1960’s we were shown a woman of 24 years of age with newly diagnosed breast cancer. She was shown to us during a lecture by our Professor of Surgery (Prof. Ite Boerema) and Boerema told us that he had never seen in his career as a surgeon (of 40+ years) a woman with breast cancer at that age. Breast cancer was typical a disease of the middle aged woman. And through my clinical care and research in HIV/AIDS at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), I understood much more about the immune system and the interaction with the environment and nutrition. Therefore, I developed the Gorter Model to improve immune function (Cellular Immune system) with dendritic cells in combination with “fever-range, total-body” hyperthermia and still be able to bring end-stage cancer patients in complete remission by non-toxic approaches.

5G pulsed waves bombard our physiology with all the long term effects, like malignancies, heart arrhythmias and many degenerative neurologic processes, like MS, Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Currently, discussions about the opportunities and limitations of 5G are running high, not only in the Netherlands. Globally, opposition to the rollout of 5G is growing strongly, with moratoriums in parts of Italy and Switzerland. In the USA, there is a legal battle against the launch of tens of thousands of 5G satellites and there is a petition with now 300 scientists from around the world who reject 5G implementation for good reasons (International 5G Appeal Scientists).

Wie wirkt sich 5G auf den Körper aus? - Gesundheit - SZ.de

Recent publications analyzed the objectionable behavior of the ICNIRP committee: a committee that is mainly composed of interested parties in the Telecom and is therefore not independent. This statement is convincingly explained in the recent speech by Frank Clegg, the Former President of Microsoft Canada, and CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology: https://youtu.be/DIV39-KOzh0 that clearly lists how dangerous 5G can become and also what we can do about it ourselves.

The Scientific Platform 5G will start soon in the Netherlands. The initiative is – led by Prof. Dr. Dick K.F. Meijer (RUG) – come from a dozen professors who have earned their spurs. The platform aims to:

1) Fundamental research on the effects of the targeted 5G EMF frequencies, in animals and plants and in particular in humans;

2) The position as a scientific advisory board for relevant government agencies and scientific organizations and for social groups;

3) International cooperation in the field of 5G safety research;

4) The use of existing scientific research in our countries to make 5G safer and to develop technology for the physical protection of EMF-sensitive people;

5) To disclose the risks of the premature roll-out of a 5G network in our country, before the safety of this has been clearly demonstrated

Public information

The information about the safety standards for the intended 5G network appears to be incomplete. The Knowledge Platform for Electromagnetic Fields and the Antenna Bureau should update their own information material.

There is an important gap in the current assessment of the safety standards for EMF radiation: only thermal effects have been taken into account, but not the clearly demonstrated non-thermal effects of 5G frequencies. There is already a lot of scientific evidence for this within and outside Europe. As of 2016, Geesink et al. Have made a meta-analysis of the available 750 biomedical publications (1970-2020) in the field of EMF effects on living material (see on this website the article starting with ‘Clay …’ and the other article ‘Life and Consciousness in a quantum physics perspective’). In the studies analyzed, the various researchers exposed tissues and cell lines, as well as laboratory animals and humans, to various forms of EMF fields and in all cases showed clear effects of the radiation, which were subsequently registered and published by these researchers.Prof Dick Meijer and with colleague Dr. J.H.Geesink have published approximately 30 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to certainly health promoting frequencies, unfortunately there also appear to be harmful frequencies. The 5G radiation frequencies are often pulsating and modulated and for the most part belong to the life-disturbing frequencies. Due to these wave modulations, the EMF waves penetrate better into the organism than the 4G variant. These and hundreds of other publications were omitted in an official report to the European Commission at the time. This has been clearly reported by others in a reliable publication about this emergency.

The urgency of EMF safety research in humans

There is another important point. The publications concerned, whether for or against the inclusion of the non-thermal frequencies, are mainly based on studies using separate frequencies. Relatively little systematic research has been conducted into frequency-dependent effects, applied in combinations of different field strengths and frequencies, as well as into possible interactions with environmental factors such as particulate matter.

In the current socio-political and also scientific discussion, there are large differences of opinion about the rollout of the 5G network. However, too little objective data has yet been presented on possible health risks in the intact human organism, taking into account the abovementioned variants in EMF exposure. The rollout of 5G in our country can (unexpectedly) lead to unexpected effects on health and safety. Therefore, research is needed in the field of human cell lines, at various frequencies and combinations thereof. ZonMW’s previous platform survey of 2009-2015 was only partly involved. If we were to work on this, with the existing professional infrastructure in the Netherlands, we might gain a leading position in Europe.

The national research organizations are participating

In contact with NWO, ZonMW and the Electromagnetic Fields Committee of the Health Council, it was proposed to start a “National research platform to study EMF radiation influences on humans”. This therefore concerns the formation of an innovative national research network in this field.

More background information can be found in the following downloads. These documents provide relevant insights.

Hardell L and Nyberg R, 2020. Appeals that matter or not, on a moratorium on the deployment of the fifth generation, 5G, for microwave radiation. MOLECULAR AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 12: 247-257, 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7016513/

International EMF Scientists Appeal: Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G 




European Parliament (2020): Effects of 5G wireless communication on human health. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/646172/EPRS_BRI(2020)646172_EN.pdf


Where exactly is the difference between 5G and the existing technology?

A study for the European Parliament (2020) addresses this. “Using millimeter waves and higher frequencies than previous technologies, 5G needs a much wider network of antennas and other transmitting equipment. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are invisible energy fields, measured in Hertz (Hz). Longer wavelengths at a lower frequency are less powerful in terms of energy, while shorter wavelengths at higher frequencies are more powerful. Depending on the frequency, there are two categories of EMF: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

Ionizing radiation (medium to high frequency) includes ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays. The energy of ionizing radiation can damage human cells and cause cancer. Non-ionizing radiation has lower frequencies and longer wavelengths. Many experts believe that non-ionizing radiation only produces thermal effects, or tissue heating, and that at high exposure levels, temperature sensitive biological structures, including humans, and processes can be damaged.

Microwave and millimeter wavelength radiation is non-ionizing. The millimeter wave fluctuates between about 10 and 1 millimeter. This is a very effective spectrum with a large bandwidth, but it is also very sensitive to external variables and can be disturbed by walls, trees or even rain.

For the first time, 5G will use millimeter waves in addition to the microwaves used in 2G, 3G and 4G technology so far. Due to the limited range per antenna, the antennas at 5G will need to be installed very close together. The population will then be constantly exposed to millimeter wave radiation. … With higher frequencies and a shorter range, the base stations will move closer together to provide full coverage and avoid “not-spots”. This could mean a possible range of 20-150 meters with smaller coverage areas per ‘small antenna’. A radius of 20 meters would mean that there are approximately 800 base stations per square kilometer (or “small area wireless access points” (SAWAPs)). Current 3G and 4G technologies use antennas, which have a much wider range of 2-15 kilometers or more, but allow fewer simultaneous users because they have fewer separate channels. In addition, 5G will use higher frequencies than the previous “G” networks and wider bandwidth, allowing users to transfer wireless data even faster. ”

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